200 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada PT Champ Resto Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT Champ Resto Indonesia pada bagian back office cabang kota Bandung yang merupakan Perusahaan di bidang restoran. Salah satu upaya Perusahaan untuk mempertahankan kepuasan kerja karyawannya adalah dengan cara memperhatikan kepemimpinan dan motivasi karyawan yang merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk mendapatkan hasil kerja yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke 95 responden seluruh pegawai atau karyawan PT Champ Resto Indonesia. Pengolahan data penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 20.0. Hasilnya kedua variabel bebas berpengaruh positif. Namun, hanya variabel motivasi yang memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan. Variabel kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh positif namun cukup signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, karena nilai signifikansi > 0,05 (5%).   Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian yang menyatakan “terdapat pengaruh kepemimpinan dan motivasi terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT Champ Resto Indonesia” dapat diterima

    Hak Ulayat Laut di Era Otonomi Daerah sebagai Solusi Pengelolaan Perikanan Berkelanjutan: Kasus Awig-awig di Lombok Barat

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    Kebijakan pembangunan perikanan Indonesia di masa lalu banyak mengalami kegagalan, hal ini dikarenakan doktrin common property, sentralistik dan anti pluralisme hukum. Akibatnya, kebijakan seperti ini telah menciptakan permasalahan yang kompleks di masyarakat pesisir, seperti kerusakan ekologi pesisir dan laut, kemiskinan nelayan, konflik dan lain sebagainya. Sementara itu, kehadiran Undang-Undang (UU) No 22/1999 dan UU 32/2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah yang membuka akses dan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan lebih luas telah menciptakan pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan berkelanjutan. Rekonstruksi peran hak ulayat laut yang ada di masyarakat Lombok Barat bagian Utara, seperti upacara adat sawen merupakan cikal bakal dari ketetapan bersama secara tertulis dalam mengelola sumberdaya perikanan, yaitu Awig-awig. Terbentuknya aturan ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor utama, yaitu konflik. Adapun konflik tersebut disebabkan oleh kondisi ekologi, demografi, lingkungan politik legal, proses distribusi pasar, mata pencaharian dan Perubahan teknologi. Sedangkan, proses pembentukannya adalah melalui tahapan informal hingga formal. Sementara dalam tahap revitalisasi awig-awig mempunyai beberapa aturan, yaitu : (1) wilayah tangkapan sejauh 3 mil dari daratan hanya diperuntukan nelayan yang menggunakan alat tangkap tradisional (alat tangkap skala kecil); (2) unit sosial pemegang hak bersifat individual (terbuka); (3) sumber legalitasnya adalah dari upacara adat sawen dan kesadaran masyarakat akan kerusakan sumberdaya perikanan oleh aktivitas pengeboman dan pemotasan; dan (4) pelaksanaan awig-awig ditegakkan secara tegas oleh Lembaga Musyawarah Nelayan Lombok Utara (LMNLU) yang mempunyai sanksi, pertama denda meteri maksimal Rp 10.000.000,00; kedua pembakaran alat tangkap dan ketiga pemukulan massa namun tidak sampai mati. Pemberlakuan awig-awig sangat efektif dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan di Lombok Barat bagian Utara, hal ini tercermin dari kian menurunnya kegiatan nelayan yang destruktif, seperti penggunaan bom, dinamit, potasium dan alat-alat yang merusak lainnya


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    Traffic signs are one of the instruments in traffic road which give instruction to the driver in order to create safety and discipline on the road. The driver knowledge about traffic signs that still low can cause accident on the road that cause casualties. The purpose of this research is to make an application to recognize traffic signs using extraction feature of Principal Component Analysis and artificial neural network Learning Vector Quantization. The traffic sign recognition application was developed using preprocessing on the initial image with thresholding method using HSV Color Space to determine color of the traffic image, then do segmentation process using Blob Counter to determine the Region of Interest. The feature of initial image that had been through the process of pre-processing would be extracted using Principal Component Analysis. Feature of sign image was processed using Learning Vector Quantization as an algorithm for training and testing. The result of implementation was an application that can identify five kinds of traffic signs, i.e. no parking, stop, winding road, caution, go left. The testing used 50 images as data with the distribution of data used 10-Fold Cross Validation. The traffic sign recognition application that has been built showed that optimum LVQ configuration is 1x10 -3 as learning rate and 1x10 -5 as epsilon, the result of this configuration produces an average accuracy of 86% and average error rate of 14%

    Fisher's Adaptation Strategiesinsmall Islandsto the Impactsof Climate Change (a Case Study in Pulau Panjang Village, Subi District, Natuna Regency, Riau Island)

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    This study aime to analyzethe effect ofclimate change onsocio-economic conditionsof fisher, as well as to identifyadaptation and mitigation strategies related to climate change. The method inthis study usingquantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed thattheeffectof climate changeonsocio-economic aspects offishing. Influenceonsocio-economic aspects ofthesearenotnecessarilythe calendarseason, the loss ofsome of the animalsthat becamea markerdeterminationseason, andincreased intensity of stormsat seawhichinterfere withthe activityof fisher catching. Therefore, the right strategy is needed to transform fisher's adaptation on adjusting with climate change. The types of adaptational strategy are divided into: the diversification of economic activities; the investment on fishing technology; maintaining good relationship with other fishers; finding new catchment areas; and utilizing social relationship and mobilizing members of the family

    Strategi Adaptasi Nelayan Terhadap Perubahan Ekologis

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    Pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir di Indonesia dari sudut pandang pembangunan berkelanjutan dihadapkan pada kondisi yang bersifat mendua. Kondisi pertama, ada banyak kawasan yang belum tersentuh sama sekali oleh aktivitas pembangunan, namun pada kondisi lainnya terdapat beberapa kawasan pesisir yang telah dimanfaatkan dengan massif. Akibatnya, terlihat indikasi telah terlampauinya daya dukung atau kapasitas berkelanjutan dari ekosistem pesisir dan lautan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh Perubahan ekologis terhadap kehidupan nelayan dan strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan nelayan dalam menghadapi Perubahan ekologis di kawasan pesisir Desa Pulau Panjang, Kecamatan Simpang Empat, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Perubahan ekologis di kawasan ini diakibatkan oleh berbagai bentuk pemanfaatan sumberdaya pesisir yang cenderung eksploitatif. Bentuk Perubahan ekologis dilihat dari kerusakan mangrove dan terumbu karang. Strategi adaptasi yang diterapkan oleh rumah tangga nelayan berbeda-beda dan tidak hanya terbatas pada satu jenis adaptasi saja. Rumah tangga nelayan mengkombinasikan berbagai macam pilihan adaptasi sesuai sumberdaya yang dimilikinya. Berdasarkan hasil survai di lokasi penelitian, pilihan-pilihan adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh nelayan antara lain: menganekaragamkan sumber pendapatan, memanfaatkan hubungan sosial, memobilisasi anggota rumah tangga, melakukan penganekaragaman alat tangkap, dan melakukan Perubahan daerah penangkapan serta melakukan strategi lainnya, yakni berupa penebangan hutan mangrove sacara ilegal dan mengandalkan bantuan-bantuan dari berbagai pihak. &nbsp

    Analysis of the catfish (clarias sp.) value chain and its problems in Bogor, Indonesia

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    Catfish is one of the leading freshwater commodities stipulated by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia. The annual production target of catfish continues to increase every year. This study aims to analyze the actors and the value chain map of catfish, problems in the value chain of catfish, and the strategies to improve the value chain. This research was conducted by survey method using questionnaire instrument. The survey was done by using purposive sampling technique to 23 catfish farmers, 7 catfish wholesalers, 5 catfish retailers, and 5 catfish processors in Bogor Regency. In this study, there are 4 channels of the value chain of catfish from the production to the consumer. The four actors who are involved in the value chain, namely farmer, wholesaler, retailer, and processor. The constraints along the value chain consist of three aspects: pre-production, production, and post-harvest.  Pre-production problems include thequality of seeds, high price of feed, and lack of capital. Problems on production are the weather, fish mortality, and social security. Problems facing post-production cover price instability and  lack of bargaining power of farmers. Proposed up-grading strategies to improve the competitiveness are strengthening partnership among farmers, strengthening partnerships between farmers and  other strategic partners (traders, and feed companies)

    Digital Governance in Human Resources Development (HRD) Portal with Soft Systems Methodology Approach, Study of BUMN Holding Survey Services

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    The rapid development of technology has significantly impacted various aspects of human life, including in the world of work and the development of human resources (HR). Digital governance is the development of the concept of E-Government, which focuses more on user participation in its application. Implementing digital governance is a human capital application transforming how companies manage their human resources. For more than three decades, SBU Marine Services used a time-based payroll system. However, since 2021, the company switched to a competency-based approach. This change has led to an income gap between long-standing contract employees and new joiners. In addition, the salary data collection system still uses spreadsheets, which have several potential governance issues, such as transparency of the payroll system, information on employee training and grading data, etc. This study uses the soft systems methodology (SSM) approach to analyze digital governance using the HRD Portal application in SBU Marine Services. The results showed no policy governing contract employee governance in SBU Marine Services, so the HRD Portal is needed. This research recommends creating an HRD Portal SOP policy to measure and monitor employee performance more effectively and efficiently. The contribution of this study, with the HRD Portal SOP policy, can change the payroll system from a time-based system to a competency-based system, overcome the social gap in contract employee income, and increase transparency and fairness in human capital management at SBU Marine Services.

    Effect on Health Promotion Behavior Patterns in Healthy Employees

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    Excess body weight (overweight / obesity) is one that is considered as a serious health problem in Indonesia because it can cause a high risk disease. Health is closely related to human behavior. XYZ is a company which number of employees with is relatively high overweight cases. Preventions and improvements have been made, including health promotion through these four methods: poster publications, health seminars, health competitions and counseling by experts. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of health promotion on healthy lifestyle with changes in the behavior of workers in XYZ. Forms of research will be orientated of the present and the past. Results of the evaluation are credited from results of the existing and past programs. The evaluation is not associated with results to be obtained in the future. Retrospective evaluation stressed on the results related to the actions that have been taken (ex-post). Recommendations came from the evaluation of candidates and made before the action being performed (ex-ante) with a sample of 50% of the total population of  284 workers. Comparative analysis between the before and after of secondary data of the promotion program is analyzed using the t test and later continued with tests of content validity, requirement validity, and prediction validity that simultaneously building validity. Next is test of the top two boxes to combine the percentage of respondents who chose two scales answers and the top two categories of Rating Scale. The latter is analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis section of SEM to identify the relationship between variables testing the correlation and determine the effect of health promotion workers to XYZ employees behavior changes. From these results, it appear that the factors affecting health is highest seen in the health service factor. In descriptive distribution of respondents' answers to the questions in the questionnaire based on the characteristic table of Health Services, the statement that the willingness of doctors to provide medical explanation were sufficient to support the implementation of a healthy lifestyle and also had an average of 4.182 and 93%.Health promotion strategies using media appear to be the most influential counseling media for respondents. The statement that it is easy to understand and remember the message that support media counseling with an average of 4.364 and 96%. Keywords: health factors, health promotion, communicatio